Jérémie McGowan

Title: Curator/Designer (30% position)
E-mail: jeremie.m.mcgowan@uit.no

Foto: Marius Fiskum / www.mariusfiskum.no

Jérémie is an artist and designer with a PhD in art history and theory from the University of Edinburgh. He works at GenØk as a designer and curator with ReWrite.

With an international background in design, art, research, teaching and curating, Jérémie has previously been amongst other things director of Nordnorsk Kunstmuseum, senior curator at Nasjonalmuseet and associate professor at Arkitektur- og designhøgskolen i Oslo. He is particularly interested in the ways design can be used as a tool for critical thinking, speculation, fiction and social engagement. Jérémie also wants to do his bit to make research a little more punkrock in its outreach work and communication.