

 Delicous potatoes.
GenØk Biosafety Reports

Antimicrobial resistance in natural environments: status of GenØk research and future recommendations
Wikmark, O.-G. (2020) GenØk-report, Tromsø, Norway.

Antimicrobial resistance in marine mammals: Targeted PCR and metagenomic analysis
Project report, M-1641|2020, Commissioned by the Norwegian Environment Agency, February 2020.
Ullmann, I. F et al. (2020) GenØk, Tromsø, Norway.

Antimicrobial resistance in the marine environment: MIC profiles of bacteria isolated from whale and seal faeces
Project report, M-1260|2019, Commissioned by the Norwegian Environment Agency, February 2019.
Venter, H. (2018), GenØk, Tromsø, Norway.

Prevalence of Antibiotic Resistance Marker Genes (ARMG) in Selected Environments in Norway – Reindeer, M909|2017
Commissioned by the Norwegian Environment Agency, December 2017.
Nordgård, L. et al (2017) GenØk, 21 pages

Antimicrobial resistance in selected environments in Norway M-736/2017
Commissioned by the Norwegian Environment Agency, April 2017.
Nordgård, L. et. al. (2017) GenØk, 43 pages

Prevalence of Antibiotic Resistance Marker Genes (ARMG) in Selected Environments in Norway M-675|2016
Commissioned by the Norwegian Environment Agency, December 2016.
Nordgård, L. et al (2016)

Synthetic biology – biosafety and contribution to addressing societal challenges
Biosafety Report 02/16, DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.29987.25121
Wikmark, O.-G. et. al.

Important Considerations for Sustainability, Social utility and Ethical Assessment of Late Blight Resistant GM Potato
Biosafety Report 01/16, DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.3548.9369
Gillund, F. and Myhr, A.I.

Climate Changes and Emerging Wildlife-Borne Viruses in Norway – a follow up on major knowledge gaps and research needs
Okeke, M.

Examining the Social And Ethical Issues Raised by Possible Cultivation of Genetically Modified Potato With Late Blight Resistance in Norway
GenØk Biosafety Report 2015/04
Gillund, F., Millar, K., Utskarpen, A. and Myhr, A.I.

Uncertainty and Knowledge Gaps related to Environmental Risk Assessment of GMOs
GenØk Biosafety Report 2015/03
DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.1947.7847
Nordgård, L., Bøhn, T., Gillund, F., Grønsberg, I.M., Iversen, M., Myhr, A.I.Okeke, M.I., Okoli, A.S., Venter, H. and Wikmark, O.-G.

Current status of emerging technologies for plant breeding:
Biosafety and knowledge gaps of site directed nucleases and oligonucleotide-directed mutagenesis

GenØk Biosafety Report 2015/02
Agapito-Tenfen, S.Z. and Wikmark, O.-G.

Environmental Risks of Fungus Resistant Oilseed Rape
GenØk Biosafety Report 2015/01
DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.4831.3684
Grønsberg, I.M., Gillund, F., Nordgård, L., Iversen, M., Husby, J., Hilbeck, A. and Myhr, A.I. 

Bærekraft ved dyrking av GM-potet med tørråteresistens
GenØk Biosafety Report 2014/03
Gillund, F., Utskarpen, A. and Myhr, A.I.

Sustainability Assessment of Genetically Modified Herbicide Tolerant Crops:
The Case of IntactaTM Roundup ReadyTM 2 Pro Soybean Farming in Brazil in light of the Norwegian Gene Technology Act

GenØk Biosafety Report 2014/02
Catacora-Vargas G.

Climate Changes and Emerging Wildlife-Borne Viruses in Norway:
– Facts, Uncertainty and Precaution

GenØk Biosafety Report 2014/01
Traavik, T. 

Monitoring of GMOs released into the Norwegian environment:
A case study with herbicide-tolerant GM rapeseed
GenØk Biosafety Report 2013/02
Quist, D.

Genetically Modified Potato with Increased Resistance to P. infestans
– Selecting Testing Species for Environmental Impact Assessment on Non-Target Organisms

GenØk Biosafety Report 2013/01
Gillund, F.T., Hilbeck, A., Wikmark O.G., Nordgaard, L. and Bøhn, T.

Genetically Modified Potato with Increased Resistance to P. infestans
– Selecting Test Species for Environmental Impact Assessment on Non-Target Organisms
GenØk Biosafety Report 2011/05
Gillund, F.

Transgenes in Mexican Maize, Ten Years On:
Still not addressing the right questions

GenØk Biosafety Report 2011/04
Quist, D. og Catacora, G.

Genetically Modified Organisms:
A Summary on Potential Adverse Effects Relevant to Sustainable Development

GenØk Biosafety Report 2011/02
Catacora, G.

Nano and the Environment:
Potential Risks, Real Uncertainties & Urgent Issues
GenØk Biosafety Report 2011/01
Wickson, F., Nielsen, K.M. and Quist, D.

Designed to get away
– Emerging deliberation and governance on autonomously disseminating technologies, Norwegian research Council
GenØk Biosafety Report 2010/01
Gilna, B.


Other reports

Operasjonalisering av etikk-kriteriet i genteknologiloven: Behov for etisk ekspertise og et representativt utvalg av etiske verdier i saksbehandling 
Antonsen, T. og Dassler, T. (2020) Policy brief, GenØk – Senter for biosikkerhet, Tromsø.

Kan genmodifisert mais gi kreft og andre sykdommer hos rotter?
Scientific evaluation of the study program: “Long term toxicity of a Rondup herbicide and a Roundup-tolerant genetically modified maize” published in Food and Chemical Toxicology by Seralini et al. (2012).
Bøhn, T. og Traavik, T. (2013)

Socio Economic Considerations in GMO Decision Making
Scientific Conference 2012 “Advancing the Understanding of Biosafety GMO Risk Assessment, Independent Biosafety Research and Holistic Analysis”, 28 -29 September 2012, Hyderabad, India
Catacora-Vargas, G. (2013)

Modern Biotechnologies: Sustainable Innovation and Regulatory Needs
Scientific Conference 2012  conference proceedings, 7-9 November 2012, Penang, Malaysia.
TWN & GenØk – Centre for biosafety (2013)

GMO Options in Agriculture for Climate Change
Scientific workshop 2012  conference proceedings, 6-8 December 2012, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.
TWN, Hekima Ni Uhuru & GenØk – Centre for biosafety (2013)

Soybean Production in the Southern Cone of the Americas:
Update on Land and Pesticide Use

Catacora-Vargas, G., Galeano, P., Agapito-Tenfen, S.Z., Aranda, D., Palau, T., Nodari, R. (2012)

Insektsresistente genmodifiserte planter og bærekraft
Published by Bioteknologinemnda
ISBN: 978-82-91-68380-5
Fourtheen authors, including Myhr, A.I. and Traavik, T. (2011)

Climate Change and Food Systems Resilience in Sub-Saharan Africa
Lim, L.C., Edwards, S. and Scialabba, N.E-H. (eds) (2011)

Report to the ELSA program in the Research Council of Norway
Nydal, T.,  Myhr, A.I. and Myskja, B. (2011)

Regulering av DNA-vaksinerte dyr
Rapport til Direktoratet for naturforvaltning
Traavik, T. (2010)