GenØk performs research on RRI related to emerging technologies as biotechnology and nanotechnology. The Norwegian Research Council and the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 acknowledge the importance of such approaches and have, for example, included RRI as key actions in several programs, such as BIOTEK 2021, NANO 2021, SAMANSVAR and ‘Science with and for Society’ respectively. This adoption is caused by an increased interest in having researchers, citizens, policy makers, business, NGOs working together to align the research and innovation process and outcomes with the values, needs and expectations of society. Some of the key characteristics of RRI is that it aims to achieve a broader approach by focusing on social utility, anticipating impacts, assessing alternatives, promoting critical reflection, transparency and stakeholder collaboration.
If you are interested in GenØk’s expertise in RRI and what we can contribute within the field of RRI, please contact Fern Wickson ( or Anne I. Myhr (