The researchers behind the Agri/Cultures Project have published a new article (open access). In additional to the paper, the group got some help from artist Kevin Buckland to create an animated short movie.
The paper reflects, based on empirical data, on the multiple forms of everyday practices of resistance by which different stakeholders linked to the maize sector in Spain challenge the expansion of GM crops. Together with the publication of this article, and responding to the objective of exploring novel ways to making scientific results accessible to a non-specialized public, they have also produced a beautiful short animation movie based on this academic publication.
Just Existing is Resisting (English version of the movie):
The attempt to have coexistence between organic, conventional and Genetically Modified (GM) crops has generated unresolved frictions between agri-food models based on different practices, values, worldviews and cultures. This paper explores forms of everyday resistance that have emerged against the domineering power and spread of GM maize in Spain, the gateway nation for GM crops in Europe. Drawing on multi-sited ethnographic work and interviews, we describe six practices by which social actors throughout the agri-food system are resisting the expansion of GM maize and forming some unlikely alliances. We conclude that a myriad of practical resistance actions are taking place, from actors in both alternative and conventional food systems, as they fight for their survival against the political power and uncontrolled biological spread of GM crops. These practices challenge the regulatory concept of the possibility of a harmonious coexistence between the systems and highlight how an everyday struggle is required for non-GM maize actors to continue to exist. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
Here is a link to the article:
Herrero, A., Binimelis, R. and Wickson, F. (2017). “Just existing is resisting: The everyday struggle against the expansion of GM crops in Spain“, Sociologia Ruralis DOI: 10.1111/soru.12166 (open access)
Foto: Amaranta Herrero