Flor Rivera Lopez

Title: PhD Student
E-mail: flor.lopez@genok.no


Flor is a biologist with a Masters degree in Plant Genetics from the University of Santa Catarina, Florianopolis, Brazil.

She has more than 12 years experience working with peasant and indigenous communities to promote the value of mexican maize biodiversity conservation. This has included  researching the extent of transgene flow in Mexico, as well as its impacts. She has also performed a participatory diagnosis of transgene flow in indigenous communities as part of  the national network  “In Defense of Maize”.

Research interests

Flor is interested in the relationship between biodiversity and culture, the performance of interdisciplinary research, and the conservation of nature.

Current research projects

Conserving the Genetic Biodiversity of Maize in Mexico: Understanding a complex problem and developing participatory solutions” (biodiverSEEDy)
Funded by the Latin America Programme of the Norwegian Research Council. Start date September 2014.

Previous Research Projects

Project partner

Maize, Food Sovereignty and Biofuels 2008-2009
Funded by Brot für die Welt

Maize and Food Sovereignty 2005-2007
Funded by Brot für die Welt

Responding to transgenic contamination of Mexican maize 2003-2004
Funded by Brot für die Welt

Workshops about biodiversity and genetically modified Organisms 2001-2002
Funded by GRAIN

Environment and Agriculture 2000
Funded by Ford foundation