Title: Director
Phone: +47 77 64 46 42
Mobile: +47 95 42 90 15
E-mail: anne.i.myhr@uit.no
Anne Ingeborg Myhr is Director at GenØk – Centre for Biosafety. She holds a Master’s degree (civil engineer) in Biotechnology from NTNU, Trondheim, and a PhD from the Institute of Medical Biology at the University of Tromsø. Her main research experience is within risk governance of GMOs and on ethical, social and legal aspects (ELSA) related to genetic engineering. During the past years new research has been extended to include responsible research and innovation of emerging biotechnologies including genome-editing and synthetic biology. She is chair of the Research Council of Norway´s portfolio board on land-based food, the environment and Bioresources, she is a member of the Norwegian Biotechnology Advisory Board, the Norwegian Board of Technology, and the National Commission for the Investigation of Scientific Misconduct. Internationally she has been involved in various issues related to GMOs including an EU expert-working group on GMO monitoring and socio-economic issues under the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety.